I hate New Years. There. I said it. It's a pointless holiday without presents, costumes, or a very great purpose. And, sooner or later, they start playing that Auld Lang Sye and I just get agitated because I find myself growing nostalgic. Why do any of it? What's to gain? As Billy Crystal says in "When Harry Meet Sally"..."Does that mean we should forget old acquaintances or does it mean if we happen to forget them we should remember them, which is not possible because we already forgot them!?" Inevitably at some point during this holiday, I find myself sitting alone with a drink contemplating these old acquaintances and really what better way to end out 2009 on Hunting for Isla than with a series of scripts about Ghosts. Now I'm talking unproduced ghosts, famous early drafts of ghost movies, a finished film or two and maybe even a comic book if I get around to it. Now to be more precise, I'm only going to be looking at scripts where A) It's a Drama, which means no horror B) Ghosts visit earlier times, so no quasi ghosts .... and C) Nothing scary. Ghosts in a warning/mentor/guardian light instead.
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