I saw my first Preston Sturges film when I was a freshman at NYU. My teacher played Sullivan's Travels and explained it as a precursor to all CoenBrother movies. While this is true, I don't think I realized how much I loved this movie until I wrote a very thinly veiled homage about a horror novelist during my senior year. Then, my interest in Sturges was even more firmly solidified during a week sojourn in Orlando upon graduation when I revisitedthe box set each night and was transported by the little, dilapidated Magnavox into a black and white world where everybody talked in a funny, bouncy dialogue while they lived lives of pure inspired zaniness, and aspired to lofty, foolish dreams. I love Preston Sturges, and while this week we won'tbe reviewing anything that's far off the beaten track, it's more of a chance to do something I often skip on Hunting for Isla, the chance to review the classics of screenwriting.
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